No one has all bads or all goods..

No one has all bads or all goods.
It's always that they are more tilted towards one of them.The person you may think bad, may be good for something or the person you think good, may be worse for something.

People are not always the same. For example, a 12th standard boy/girl can never be as innocent as he/she was in 6th or 8th standards..Experiences mould personalities..and that's fuckin' true.

No one is completely good or completely's just that they are lesser bad or lesser good. And no one has constant personas, let me remind you of that.
Nothing is constant except this tiltation.
Only this tiltation is constant and it'll happen for sure, howsoever efforts someone put to not let him/her change.

Learn to love that lesser goodness and accept that lesser badness of so called bad and good guys.

If you do not find someone the same he/she was earlier, it's natural, don't complain or curse them. Understand them. Accept them. Hang out with them. Try to know the new them. Love them, and plz don't hate b'coz one day you'll change too..♥️😀


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