Don't blame the depressed, they are victims not guilty..

I've seen people targeting those who commit suicide by saying that "they were coward, that's why they committed suicide"..
Now to begin, I'll start with the most basic points. First of all, we all have to understand and accept depression as a disease like any other deadly disease such as TB, Cancer, etc. (sometimes even more worse), then we can comment over this.
Suppose someone die because of cancer, then I don't think that anyone would say; "He was a coward, hence he died because of the cancer". 
Same goes for other diseases too.
But I just can't understand that why people treat depression so differently.

If someone commits suicide because of a long depression or a short mental trauma, that means that he could not survive the disease, just like any other XYZ person might not have survived cancer or hepatitis or heart attack.
It is as simple as that.

Don't blame people who commit suicide. It's just that they couldn't survive depression, and this no where means that they were coward or they didn't have the guts to face the society, it's simply because everyone's mind, body reacts to diseases in different ways, some overcome it and some die due to it.

It's not like if you and me came out of such situations, every other person going through the same situation would surely come out of that, or to be more specific, overcome it. 

Every single person is unique, not only on the basis of their looks, but also on the basis of their response to different stimuli.
We've been reading this fucking statement since the very beginning;

"हर इनसान अलग होता है" 

(..अबे तो इस बात को मानो भी..)

The thing is that we impose on others that if you're going through such situations and you are not able to come out of it, then you are a COWARD.

It's not that people who do suicide are not afraid of death, they also feel the fact that they will not be able to live again, they will not be able to meet their loved ones ever again, they will not be able to see or feel anything, they know the fact that everyone will finally forget them, no one will remember them, they will lose their identity,
They too cry on their pity condition.
But they are left with nothing else. 

I know suicide is never a solution, there is a always a other path which is the true solution but the thing is, as a society we are somewhere lagging in awaring people about "that" path leading to the true solution.

We can not deny the fact that when a person suicide, he kills his family too, his parents, his friends, siblings, cousins and other ones who loved him. So it is surely a matter of national interest and awareness.

Infact, according to a report by WHO, in 2019, India had 200 Million of depressed population, which is about 1 in every 5-6. And there was a estimate that by 2020 we would be having the largest depressed population (Which is not at all a fact to boast upon).

We must advise the government to start a "DEPRESSION FREE INDIA" or "अवसाद मुक्त भारत" campaign, just like "Polio Free India" or "Tb Free India". 

We are already too late, if we late further, we might lose many more lives.

It's a high time, be alarmed and informed.

"Don't blame the depressed, they are victims not guilty".

Help them, they need you, they need you very badly.

#depression #endthestigma


एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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