You're Special- Final Part

As soon as Pratyush saw me at his home with all my luggage, he was so happy and overwhelmed that he hugged me tight, and then we both abused each other continously for minutes and that too without any reason😂😂..let me tell you, this is how back bencher best friends treat each other when they meet after years. We were best friends since 11th standard, he knew all of my secrets. And that's why he was very special for me and so was his wedding..I was really very excited for it.

And then after the rest of 2 hours only, I had to jump into the work. There was so many work to do..arranging a good decorator, a good music band, shopping for the groom..and much more..Really there are so many works for men to do in a wedding preparation, specially for groom's brothers and friends..and as Pratyush didn't have any brothers, so it was only me left to arrange everything. But I was really enjoying each and every moment, the preparations and the late night talks I and Pratyush were having.

After two days, a girl, who was probably Pratyush's office colleague, joined us. She also came with few of her luggage, 5 days before his wedding day.

Next day, early morning, Pratyush asked me and her to go for a walk with we all three of us went to a nearby park..

I was nervous and felt quite uncomfortable because I was there walking with a girl I have never known. Pratyush understood this and thus quickly introduced us to each other. 

Then I got to know that her name was Tanya, and she worked as a developer in the same branch as of Pratyush.

We were walking there for few minutes, and then suddenly Pratyush got a call from his Uncle for some important work, and hence he had to leave. Only me and her were left. I wanted to start a conversation but felt quite awkward and nervous. Amidst all these thoughts going on in my mind, she said me;

"Hi Atharv.."

"Hi", I replied.

" are you..means how is life going and all?"-She asked

"Everything is's going smoothly, you tell something about your's..", I replied.

"Mine is also ok..hmmm..actually I'm asking such silly questions because I'm really feeling quite nervous and awkward",

-She replied with a small giggle.

And then I was feeling quite comfortable as she started to talk straight forward..means she just spelled out what she was actually feeling at that time, I really liked this behavior of her's..

Then we started to talk quite start with, about some shit topics like weather, politics, bollywood, about Pratyush, about jobs and then the education system in it'll seem quite funny when I would tell you that I also explained her the Einstein's theory of relativity and that too within such a short span of time😂😂..and the talks kept on going.

I don't actually remember that how we spent two long hours just walking together, talking every kind of shit we could. 

She was good. She was kind of a person whom one would really love to talk and walk with.

Then we were again at Pratyush's home to do some arrangements.

Slowly and unknowingly, we really became close friends..we shared all our secrets with each other..our childhood memories, each and everything.

Now I and Pratyush got a new companion for the late night talks.

Every early morning, all three of us went for small walks. And again everyday Pratyush left us sooner, and me and her walked together everyday for one extra hour..with all those silly talks on shitty topics😂😂..

And all through these days, I again started to live happily, enjoy every moment..I again started "living in the moment for the moment"..she gifted me the "real" me..

I found the "real" me again..I started to laugh and smile truly instead of those fake smiles.

We really started enjoying each other's company..and slowly it became our addiction..may be "we" started feeling something better..for "us".

Everyday she would walk with me and then treat me specially, make me feel like I'm the special one.

One night before Pratyush's wedding, she called me at Ganga Ghat. We took a boat ride. As the boat slowly took us to the middle of the river, she took my hands in her's and told;

"Look at the sky..the stars are twinkling, the space is expanding, and the moon is staring at us..It all seems so beautiful. And so seems you. I don't know what is this feeling but life seems very relaxing and soothing when I'm with you..your silly talks, your shitty topics, your explanations about different scientific all seems lively. You seems so lively, you are beautiful Atharv when you are you. I just wanted to tell you this much.."

"You're beautiful too, you're someone who gifted me the "real" me, this liveliness which you admire, is gifted to me by you only. You're someone I would always love to spend time with"- I replied.

We both looked into each other's eyes. Then we hugged..we hugged tightly, continuously for minutes..our eyes were closed..we didn't spoke anything..we were just feeling each other's liveliness..and capturing that very moment.., we really forgot about everything, Pratyush's wedding, our works, and that our boat finally returned to the bank, our boat ride ended..and that we had to go home..everything, we forgot everything for this moment. I don't know why but tears came out of our eyes.

Finally, we realized that we had to go home. Neither she spoke anything, nor me..we straightly went to Pratyush's home.

And the next day, Pratyush's got married with all grandeur. I danced a lot in his wedding..enjoyed a lot..everything was best. Bhabhi was beautiful and their duo was really the perfect matching..I was truly very very happy for him. Finally it all ended up smoothly. I gifted him ticket for Couple Trip to Paris.

Then I was ready to go back again in my boring life, office work and hectic schedule. Luggage was packed, ticket was booked..everything was done..

But I was waiting for someone's good bye. 

A final walk. And then after few minutes, there she was in front of me.. we again walked for an hour in the park..but this time neither she spoke anything, nor me. And at last when I was leaving, she looked into my eyes, took my hands into her's and said;

"You're Special. Always remain as you are. I'll miss you, Bye"..

I had no words to say, tears were just about to fall from my eyes, but I controlled my emotions somehow and replied;

"You're special too Tanya. I would never be able to forget you. Bye..and yes always remember my explanation of special theory of relativity😂😂"

Thus this all ended up laughing and smiling as I wanted it to be.

We went back into our lives, our work. But those seven days taught me few really important things about life:

1. Sometimes it's not love, neither a feeling to get into relationship. It's just about a connection, a connection which builds automatically with some people. And trust me that connection is beautiful. It's beautiful than the whole world. It's beautiful than everything else.

2.If you want to be special, you want to be treated special, be yourself..because that's the only thing which makes you unique and special.

3. Anytime you feel low in your life, finds no one around you. Thinks that you are looser, no one cares for you....Remember, 

"You're Special"..


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